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                              Impressionism is a 19th century art movement that originated in Paris. It's a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it. They paint the pictures with a lot of color and most of their pictures are outdoor scenes. Their pictures are very bright and vibrant. The artists like to capture their images without detail but with bold colors.     

                         The name of the style derives from the title of a Claude Monet work, "Impression".  Paintings include small,  thin brush and a very accurate depiction of light. Impressionist art was soon followed by impressionist literature and music. 19th century radicals believed that impressionism violated the rules of academic painting.

                      But  Impressionists quickly gained the favor of the public. Due to their independent spirit of working the public was drawn to impressionist artists. Individual artists achieved a few financial award from their exhibits. Monet, Pissarro, and Sisley all had the same dealers, Durand-Ruel. 

                         The painting I chose to discuss is of a mother and daughter. It seemed as though a very heavy storm is coming their way. Since the sky above them is dark and gloomy. And their clothes are being blown against them in the heavy wind caused by the storm that is soon to come. Its seems as though they are running to find some sort of shelter because they are also carrying things with them.



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